Al peggio non c'è mai fine...
"The measure must be treated at all. It 's not possible that there is a disparity' between the President of the Republic, the Prime Minister and ministers." The motivation behind the proposal included in the opinion of the Lodo Alfano that the chairman of the Senate Judiciary, Filippo Berselli, plans to give to the Committee for Constitutional Affairs. "Initially there was this diversity 'treatment - says Berson contacted by telephone - now we will extend the shield for the prime minister and other ministers." The proposal to further extend the shield to the Prime Minister states that the suspension may also apply to processes started before the first charge. The President of the Senate Commission considers that the goal of the proposal and to 'fix' an error of those who formulated the text. "
but how do you even think such a thing, with all that is happening ... Brancher, legal impediments, interceptions
them what to do? propose the extension of the Lodo Alfano!
The absurdity does not see to pass such a proposal, but that such a proposal could be designed and made ... ENOUGH!