Wednesday, June 30, 2010
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Al peggio non c'è mai fine...
"The measure must be treated at all. It 's not possible that there is a disparity' between the President of the Republic, the Prime Minister and ministers." The motivation behind the proposal included in the opinion of the Lodo Alfano that the chairman of the Senate Judiciary, Filippo Berselli, plans to give to the Committee for Constitutional Affairs. "Initially there was this diversity 'treatment - says Berson contacted by telephone - now we will extend the shield for the prime minister and other ministers." The proposal to further extend the shield to the Prime Minister states that the suspension may also apply to processes started before the first charge. The President of the Senate Commission considers that the goal of the proposal and to 'fix' an error of those who formulated the text. "
but how do you even think such a thing, with all that is happening ... Brancher, legal impediments, interceptions
them what to do? propose the extension of the Lodo Alfano!
The absurdity does not see to pass such a proposal, but that such a proposal could be designed and made ... ENOUGH!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
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Berlusconi and "ciulatina"
Silvio Berlusconi claims to suffer from lack of memory and it tells a joke to the Italo-Brazilian businessmen who met in San Paolo, Italy in Building. "This morning at the hotel I wanted to make me a ciulatina with a waitress. But the girl told me: "President, but if we did an hour ago ...". You see jokes that makes the age? ". Laughter in the hall, and annotation of the Knight: "Beware of those who can not laugh, do not trust ...».
Someone reassure me, true that Obama, Merkel, Sarkozy, Zapatero, Lula and the other when they go to meetings, entertaining guests with similar lines?
It I know everyone will say ... that is the usual innocent joke that we "communists" and we are sad that we can not laugh, but ... a minimum of attitude!
what a shame!
Monday, June 28, 2010
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Brancher and TG3
Brancher He's right ... Italians have it with him because Italy lost the World Cup,
judges have it because the brunette with Berlusconi has won the last Big Brother, and other magistrates with Dell'Utri because Sandra Milo was eliminated Island of the Famous ...
and then ... please, someone read the proxy, so at least, next time will be able to answer ...
Friday, June 25, 2010
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The next day ...
Today is the day after!
the day after Italy's elimination from the World Cup in South Africa, but also
the day after the application of such failure by the Minister NEO Brancher.
Here are 2 numbers that could discuss, or rather, could provide an answer to many of my questions appeared on
130,000 votes for the poll on the Elimination of Italy
1000 comments on blog posts about the Brancher
On blog one wonders why the party of Prime Minister and of 'politician does not lose and most likely will not lose a thing like a few million votes.
The answer is clear, as Anthony says, still on the blog ...
you can tell by the numbers
130,000 against 1000
The interest is that, there is more outraged by the failure to convene Cassano than for the story ... Brancher
Thursday, June 24, 2010
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Come on!
and who would have thought!
not gone even a week, and here's the news: The defense
Aldo Brancher, the defendant neoministro in Milan in a bit of the process on trying to climb to Antonveneta by BPI, has argued on the basis the law the legitimate impediment. The hearing was scheduled for Saturday, June 26. At this point it is likely that the courts stralcino the position of minister and continue the process for the wife, also a defendant.
's lawyers refer Brancher Lodo Alfano to the referral process that allows for the prime minister and his ministers.
to say ... but barely a week away!
at this point, instead of them becoming ministers to avoid the process, make that list the names can not be processed, so at least we'll end to pay him wages as a minister
do so ... also say what are the numbers that you are not intercepted, so at least the investigation of others can continue ....
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
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Bossi - 10 million members of the League and "Italy - Slovakia"
There are two Things I do not come back after hearing what he said Bossi today.
The first is a question more than anything else digital
Bossi said
"There are roughly ten million people willing to fight for Padania, it means that it exists. There is a State Po, but there Padania '
then, one might say, that there are about 10 million leaguers (I do not see who else would be willing to fight for Padania),
but If so,
assuming 50 million voters,
about 37 million voters (75%),
con 10 milioni la Lega avrebbe in Italia circa il 27%
alle politiche del 2008 avevano circa l'8%, direi che è hanno fatto un bel salto...
la seconda è di immagine...
un ministro che dice
''Tanto la partita se la comprano: vedrete che al prossimo campionato ci saranno due o tre calciatori slovacchi che giocano nelle squadre italiane...''
rovina o non rovina l'immagine dell'Italia?
cosa ne pensa Berlusconi, tanto pronto a scagliarsi contro Saviano a difesa dell'immagine del nostro bel paese?
ah già...è Bossi... non si to give too much weight to the phrases he says!
ONLY is basically an Italian government minister ...
Friday, June 18, 2010
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Nothing new ....
Aldo Brancher was appointed Minister for the implementation of federalism. The decree was signed by the President of the Republic, Giorgio Napolitano, on the proposal of President of the Council of Ministers Silvio Berlusconi. Brancher, who has sworn in by the Head of State, is therefore "promoted" by Secretary to the Prime Minister as Minister without Portfolio with responsibility for federalism. It gives a news release of Quirinale.
here as the government faces the challenge against the waste of public administration ...
Trying to accept the absolute necessity of the Ministry for the implementation of federalism (?), Some doubts may arise on behalf of the person chosen.
Who is Aldo Brancher?
Political career
political career began in 1999 after a partnership as an officer of the Fininvest group since 1982. He was elected to the House in May 2001. During the XIV Legislature, under both the Berlusconi government, was State Secretary in the Ministry for institutional reform and devolution. Re-elected to the House
in April 2006, he was group vice president at the Chamber Forza Italy during the Fifteenth Legislature.
In 2008 he was re-elected in the lists of People of Freedom. In June 2010 he was appointed Minister for the Implementation of Federalism
ProsecutionHeld for 3 months in San Vittore prison, was indicted for one of the few clean hands to receive solidarity from the outside: it turned out his employer Silvio Berlusconi telling that "when our collaborator Brancher was in San Vittore, I whirled around and Confalonieri to prison in the car we wanted to put him on the " [2] .
released to effect the terms of custody, was sentenced to first instance and on appeal for false accounting and illegal financing of the Italian Socialist Party. Brancher is acquitted in the Supreme Court by requiring for the second offense and the decriminalization of the first part of the Berlusconi government, which was a part.
is investigated in Milan for receiving the survey on Banca Antonveneta scandal and climbing to Gianpiero Fiorani ' credit institution: the Prosecutors tracked down at the Banca Popolare di Lodi, an account of his wife Brancher with expectations and a gain of 300 thousand euro safe in two years.
(source)that mean?
really nothing new under the sun ...
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
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Which comes first ...
the financial maneuver or tapping ?
According to Fini:
the House in July, will arrive before the public accounts of corrective action, then the wiretapping bill. So the chairman, Gianfranco Fini, stuffing the rush of the PDL ...
"Chi conosce il regolamento della Camera e la Costituzione non ha dubbi". Così Gianfranco Fini a Benevento, sulla priorità dell'approvazione della manovra finanziaria rispetto al disegno di legge sulle intercettazioni. L'intervento "deciso dal governo per fronteggiare la crisi è stato presentato con un decreto legge e i decreti vanno approvati e discussi nell'arco dei 60 giorni" ricorda il presidente della Camera
Secondo il PDL
Alle parole del presidente della Camera rispondono i capigruppo Pdl Gasparri (Senato) e Cicchitto (Camera) che ricordano a Fini che quella legge ribadiscono che il ddl, frutto di "un'ampia discussione", can not be changed and should enter into force as soon as required by the Political Bureau of the PDL. The same
to which conceals the Agi, Silvio Berlusconi, who recalls talking to her, said: "It goes on and closes. On time. I certainly can not blackmail me on a unanimous vote by ' Bureau of the party "
I'd like to ask all those who support the prime minister,
what they consider most important, what to focus their energies ... ?
better discuss and accelerate the economic measure or on wiretapping?
The thought of Government, it seems clear, are the most urgent interceptions!
Too bad they're both two embarrassing bill, a built in haste, with indiscriminate cuts and without logic, the other for the consumption of a small exclusive, and not exactly the most honest, part of the population ...
Monday, June 14, 2010
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mean something ...
ballot in Sardinia and Sicily
net decrease of over 20% voter turnout in Sicily, where yesterday and today took place the ballots for municipal elections , and is abstaining record in Sardegna dove ha votato solo il 30,39% degli aventi diritto. Particolarmente negativo il dato nella provincia di Cagliari dove si è recato alle urne appena il 25,58% degli elettori
E' vero, siamo a giugno, molto probabilmente in Sardegna sarà stata una giornata splendida, in particolar modo a Cagliari, ma, se un elettore su quattro non va a votare, vorrà pur dire qualcosa...
Che senso ha dire "ho vinto", quando il 75% della popolazione non è andato alle urne...
Sunday, June 13, 2010
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Zaia, Fanzolo di Vedelago (Treviso), l'Inno di Mameli
Malumori questa mattina a Fanzolo di Vedelago, in provincia di Treviso, durante l’inaugurazione di una scuola elementare, cui ha fatto gli onori di casa il nuovo governatore del Veneto, Luca Zaia. Zaia, arrivato alla cerimonia della nuova scuola primaria, ha preteso di sostituire l’esecuzione dell’inno italiano, meglio conosciuto come “Fratelli d’Italia”, con “Va Pensiero” di Verdi (notizia riportata dal quotidiano La Tribuna), molto amata dal leader della lega Umberto Bossi.
Il fatto ha fatto andare su tutte le furie la direttrice dell’ufficio scolastico regionale, Carmela Palumbo, che si sarebbe riservata di denunciare l’accaduto all’assessore Regional, Elena Donazzan.
Defense Minister, Ignazio La Russa, said the governor's behavior Zaia "A serious matter," emphasizing "it is not for a governor to replace the Italian anthem."
As my colleague, Andrea Ronchi, Minister of Community policies, indignant spoke of "insulting the nation".
Zaia, however, denies the incident: "I am not speaking about the program of the event, Mameli's anthem was sung by the choir regularly at the ribbon cutting ceremony.
I believe that these clarifications are useful for permanently close a controversy that had and has no raison d'etre. "
Some present at the opening ceremony, testified that the National Anthem was performed only, when Luca Zaia was visiting the new school complex. "L'Inno di Mameli applause at the end there was made from the few left," said choir director, Mark Titotto, "including the president did not see Zaia."
The master reported that the songs of a group of children followed the public discourse, including that of President Zaia. "At the end, we sang Va 'Pensiero as we had said. After the 'execution, the governor, the mayor and other authorities have gone to school where there was then the ribbon cutting ceremony. From where we stood we could see little. I only saw the tail end of the group of people who had already come to visit the school. At that point I gave there to the National Anthem, receiving applause at the end only those who were left out. " Said the teacher Titotto.
If this is what they do in public, what will they do when they are never seen or heard ...
I respect the institutions that institutions, a state that respects itself ...