Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Universal Light Tower Remote

Terzigno: Only pay a revolt!

After months of peaceful protests, public complaints, legal actions and actions "disturbing" against the infamous choice of the Government and the Regione Campania to double the landfill death National Park of Vesuvius, the desperation of the people of Terzigno, Boscoreale Boscotrecase and has turned into anger, discontent became open revolt against the state and its repressive apparatus of the masters.

E 'enough some night to block and sabotage the truck directly in landfill to break down the whole house of cards set up by Berlusconi and Bertolaso, and to expose how the cunning sleight of hand with which he had magically disappear without the rubbish from the streets of Naples, rested on the terrible suffering (cancer, food poisoning, suffocating air, etc..) taxes, "military force" to whole populations of the province through l’apertura di nuove discariche.

Ma i rivoltosi di Terzigno, oltre a far saltare i piani di un potere capitalistico che da anni usa le emergenze ambientali come ultima frontiera della corsa ai profitti (la cosiddetta “shock-economy”), stanno in queste ore dimostrando che solo con la lotta dura e ad oltranza รจ possibile strappare risultati immediati. Le cariche, gli arresti e la repressione generalizzata contro i presidi “no discarica” non hanno piegato le mobilitazioni, mentre al contrario inizia a scricchiolare l’asse di ferro tra UE, Governo, amministrazioni regionali e locali, che finora hanno viaggiato di comune accordo e ora, messe alle strette, iniziano to bounce each other's responsibilities.
What people Vesuvius were unable to obtain through formal meetings, calls to the mayors, local authorities and the European commission are getting now with the fight, without delegating to any defense the right to health in an environment not tortured. The inhabitants of

Terzigno hours Devonian continue to act on his own, taking away from the struggles institutions and especially the so-called "party-friends" all institutions and all parties are responsible for the ruin of the current institutional like the national government, particularly those with the launch of the plan-waste Bassolino wanted to have paved the way for mega-landfills and incinerators. Ben

are, therefore, and multiply the burning of electoral cards, because recent history shows us that the center-right and center are just two sides of same coin, that is fine also Italian flag burning, because it's time to do it away with the rhetoric of "supreme national interest" behind which you want to hide the harsh reality of a system of exploitation and oppression that does not hesitate to squander billions of € for shipments to Afghanistan as an imperialist and then refuses to spend a single cent for recycling or for a guaranteed salary for the millions of unemployed and temporary workers affected by the crisis.
We unhesitatingly at the side of the rebels of Terzigno

for the immediate closure of both the landfill and quarry to quarry Vitiello Sari: Lets have faith not of the institutional tables until these goals are fully achieved.
extend and unify the struggle against the harmful effects of the crisis of capitalism to poison our lands are the same as redundant, insecurity and starve millions of workers.
No to the division between "good and bad": the repression respond with unity and class solidarity.

Association Marxist Communist Unity
Collective Baruda
Red Youth
common collective Amalfi Coast


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