Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Nasce "unire le lotte-area classista in USB"


Sunday, October 31 was held in Rome a national assembly of activists USB (Union grassroots unions) who have shared , at the founding congress of USB, the document entitled "Contribution to the battle for the review of class." The meeting was attended by about 50 union activists, representing almost all provincial unions that have actually contributed to the preparation and dissemination of the document. Between the present reality of struggle Sunday with representatives of particular mention: the public use of Vicenza, USB Latina (With a delegation from the Committee Against Asbestos Workers), USB school Emilia Romagna (Bologna, Reggio Emilia, Modena), USB Bergamo (active in the Workers' Network of Seriana Val), USB Cremona (including a working delegation of the establishment Marcegaglia) , USB Cultural Heritage in Florence, USB activity of Apulia in the active coordination of temporary cuts in the fight against the junta Vendola. Assembly brought their best, with a view to future cooperation, the European immigrants in Italy, a representative of Cobas IT, student collectives and various political realities and trade union employers to build opposition to the policies of the center and the center- bourgeois.
The Assembly, which saw a close comparison of different proposals on the articulation of trade union struggle, was organized with the principles of workers' democracy cooerentemente commented on the document distributed at the Congress of USB. Each proposal was discussed and put to the vote: It is important that even in the rules, the area will be built in line with the principles it intends to proclaim.

After a few hours of debate, the Assembly of 31 October approved the following decisions:

- Building area within the class of USB, called "Join the struggle - Area USB class. The area is built on the principles set out in the platform (discussed and voted on by the Assembly) that you can read below.

- Inform bodies of national leaders of constitution of the USB, demanding the release of the platform deployment on the national site of the union.

- Promote in the coming weeks for the submission of the assemblies in all the provincial federations of USB.

- Organize a national assembly next spring of the newborn area, open to all activists of grassroots unions and other class-sector unions, in order to build un'interlocuzione consistent and coordinated action for the battle for SIDAC class.

- to promote a sit-in of solidarity with workers who have challenged the Treviglio CISL and now facing sanctions by the same Fiom vertices.

The meeting also discussed and finally voted a National Coordination of the area consists of 9 partners representing the leading companies that have signed the document released at the founding congress of USB. Coordination - made up of fellow Bocchese Riccardo, Stefano Bonomi, Patricia Cammarata, Danieli Emilio, Frigoli Angelo, Ruggero Mantovani, Giuseppe Raiola, Stefanoni Fabiana, Maria Teresa Turek. Coordination, which has the task of organizing efforts and the intervention of "Join the struggle - Area USB class" until the next National Assembly, be revoked whenever the meeting is convened. The assembly can always be expressed that the members of the Coordination on the criteria according to which they are appointed.
The assembly finally voted for an agenda of solidarity with migrant workers on strike on 29 October in Brescia suffered a heavy police repression of an initiative for organizing a protest against exploitation.


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