Friday, January 21, 2011

Matrix Color Comparison Chart Redken

Interval training earlier in the season How and why

The allenanmento for endurance sports is aimed at developing, in the most appropriate energy system that uses massively oxygen in biochemical processes of resynthesis of ATP, or aerobic metabolism. ATP is the only source of energy used directly by the motor fibers to make the contraction: ATP not no party! To ensure maximum potential of the mechanism should ensure that oxygen is supplied efficiently and is consequently used as effectively. E 'discovery necessary to develop a set of mechanisms "peripheral", whose task is to get the maximum amount of oxygen to the muscle, and the venue has the burden, in the muscle and make the best use of this gas. The peripheral mechanisms are cardiac output, the capitalize, lung volume, etc, while the local ones have to do with the energy mechanisms that are implemented at the cellular level: the so-called "cellular respiration". We know that the training methodology to develop the potential of an energy system is necessary, first of all, make sure that there are necessary prerequisites. In our case the necessary prerequisites to the development of the aerobic mechanism, are those identified in the peripheral mechanisms, in fact if we want to reach more oxygen to the muscle, the heart must pump more blood, which is well developed and capitalize the circulatory system capable of extracting oxygen from the air we breathe necessary. The peripheral mechanisms are largely cross-sports, that is common to most sports, and then I get the benefit, for example, in the slow run rate, I can take great for swimming and biking. At this stage, in fact, still not interested in such muscles is directed towards the oxygenated blood. The matter changes when it comes to capitalize because it is clear that a training race will be very inefficient for swimming when it is assumed that much of the effort is borne by the upper body. The training of the media device uses essentially two half workout at the antipodes: the end slowly and repeated short. The training of local components is done at this very early stage, again with the repeated short. Then large parte dell'allenamento sarà teso a potenziare i meccanismi locali, e quindi il training per i meccanismi periferici si riduce ad un mantenimento forzando, per contro, gli allenamenti lenti ad incidere sui meccanismi energetici che utilizzano i lipidi e quindi operando a livello locale. La bella notizia è che in questa primissima fase si possono prendere due piccioni con una fava impostando intelligentemente gli allenamenti. Prendiamo come esempio la corsa, ma il principio è il medesimo per qualsiasi attività. E' bene ricordare che siamo appena usciti dal periodo di transizione e che l'ultima cosa che desideriamo è di andare in forma troppo velocemente: stiamo costruendo una piramide e più ampia è la base, più in alto andrà la costruzione!! Gli allenamenti che portano alla forma solitamente sono quelli che fanno produrre all'organismo un certo quantitativo di lattato (stimabile dalle 3 mmol/l in sù!!), quindi la percentuale di questo tipo di allenamenti in questa fase deve essere molto contenuta (ma non esclusa!!!). Vediamo ora nello specifico come facciamo a fare quanto richiesto. A livello periferico abbiamo detto che ci serve sviluppare il cuore, la capilarizzazione e il sistema respiratorio. Lo sviluppo del cuore, ovvero la gittata cardiaca (quantità di sangue espulsa al minuto dal cuore) si ottiene con repentini aumenti e diminuzioni delle pulsazioni, per quel che riguarda la capacità di contrarsi con forza, e con uno sforzo costante e prolungato per quanto concerne l'ampiezza of the cardiac chambers (ie, increase the amount of blood that can be ejected with each beat). The means are the bottom workout slow, uphill sprints and sprint on 30 floors. "The fund is to slow that moves the heart to be more generous in terms of amount of blood pumped per beat also increases the muscle allowing capitalize spraying a greater level of motor fibers. Some technicians say, erroneously, that the high intensity to cause muscle capitalize, in fact, several studies show that too fast a course does not allow the proliferation of blood capillary, while a more extended stay, such as that arising from the bottom slowly, both that leads to forking branches present! The hillclimb and sprint 30 "However, they are trained to violently accelerate the heart to be more powerful and stronger with each contraction and then leading him to push the blood with more force. Why sprint up and plans on 30". The 30 "is the time limit for which the accumulation of blood lactate does not profoundly affect a number of metabolic activities which might get us in a position early. The interesting thing is that the famous short sprints have an impact at the cellular level, and then are also used for training of local components of which we spoke above. A protein known as myoglobin is responsible for binding oxygen to level of motor fibers. In practice, the hemoglobin, the protein that carries oxygen in the blood, pass his package of oxygen at the cellular level to myoglobin, which uses the energy in the process. Now a large Swedish physiologist, Per Astrand, inventor training dell'interval observed that the 30 "oxygen debt is fully paid by the oxygen present in the Myoglobin. Astrand showed his sprinting fast methodology to enhance the loading of oxygen level of myoglobin. In conclusion we have seen how the inetrval training is not only a quality training directed to the development of aerobic power, but if done wisely also fulfills an important task in building aerobic capacity. As proposed training must be carried out? Regarding the slow end I think there is very little to say except that the intensity of racing is very low. The only consideration is that, in my view there is a slow single fund, but the intensity depends on the objective to be pursued. A background of slow recovery run the day after a workout u will sense the threshold and an intensity other than those addressed in building aerobic capacity: in the first case the speed must be so slow as to "massage" the legs and the distance small ( 6-8km), while in the second case the intensity is usually 1 mmol / l above the level of blood lactate at rest with a running time equal to or greater than 60 '. The uphill sprint to be made on a stretch of about a hundred yards with a slope significant (8-12%), there is a forefoot (off-peak, and then leans well post metatarsal cushion!) In the whole progression, recovery is done in absolute sourplesse back down. The sprint uphill, like all the sprint, have a profound effect on the running technique is therefore well accustomed to the proper use of arms that are always opposed to the supporting leg! Another detail not to overlook is keeping up hip-abdominal to avoid tilting in the frontal plane (from side to side) of the chest. Even in the sprint plan must be done with these precautions, in addition to taking care of the explosiveness of the foot. A run economic performance must be flexible and take advantage of the elastic return of the eccentric contraction (recall that the eccentric contraction occurs when the voltage is resistant to elongation such as when shooting a rubber band). Exploiting the springback is equivalent to energy use at no cost because of mechanical origin


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