training ride in the rain
Saturday beautiful half
Sunday service
very bad today.
rain and wind at the beginning of the week.
is not as nice but there are awakening and must be under: Summer patient returns to the same (Bandabarò).
in the rain so I headed to the pool for an aerobic workout recovery
3400 and again in the rain at the laboratory.
rain even exit, light takes me back home.
raincoats and hats: you leave for the evening jog: 12km quiet, with Gemba affected as long yesterday. Even these ores beginning of the week is put in your pocket.
workouts proceed, with progressive and steady growth.
but also the desire to compete, especially the day after the big event, when you are not involved and feel and read the reports of who has done as leader.
so ... waiting for the first triathlons for me ... that will begin in May, I have some fish from the calendar road race in which to venture ... rejected the Rome Marathon, not in keeping with the seasonal programs ... reicerca to shoot the half-marathon and 10-15km in the vicinity of the capital.
suggestions are welcome
Monday, February 28, 2011
Does Spectro Jel Work?
WITH A MACHINE-DAD • Dress in London
on reporting of my friend Bruno P. who lives in London, I present MACHINE-A . Boutique and gallery space that combines fashion and art , a showcase for emerging designers in that Soho (60 Berwick St).
There is the online shop where products are displayed well with pictures also by small animations. Styling by Anna Trevelyan .
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Swimsuit One Piece Big Tits
Sunday and ride.
menu of the day: along with the work force.
uncertain weather, forecasts that put the possibility of light rainfall variability.
do anything ... like I said .. do not go out alone this year there is a flood.
fetch water during the exercise should not scare me in the race anything can happen and it better get used to.
around 8:30 am in the street not certain, but subject to secure changes in the running.
I headed to the rise of Marcellina, an up and down here 6 times, by working with SFR, then continued up to Moricone and face another uphill repetitions at the bottom fast.
finally take the road that will take me to the Salaria.
from here to Rome in all pisizione chrono work with the medium. 4:07 a.m.
tot ', 128km, and a difference of 134bpm average about 950m
legs ok, i km begin to bear fruit
Saturday, February 26, 2011
How Many Blunts Are In A Case
after the stop, after la ripresa...l'ultimo lungo a piedi porta la data del 10 gennaio.
oggi avevo in programma 20km.
nottata non al topo, mal di testa e classici sintomi influenzali.
appena sveglio misuro la febbre, niente, però fisico e testa non ci sono :(
così decido di non fare danni e rimandare (eventualmente) la corsa nel tardo pomeriggio.
piscina chiusa oggi, quindi non potendo fare l'allenamento pomeridiano del sabato me la sono presa abbastanza comoda.
ore 17 esco anche se le gambe non le sento al meglio
parto per il 20....
10km di fl
poi 8km in progressione fino a 3'45"
altri 2km per tornare a casa a ritmo tranquillo
si torna a macinar kilometri :)
sono happy and now ... who going to stop us !!!!!!!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Has Anyone Gotten All Pokemon
brrrr, cold wind that sighs that these days the capital.
despite this we must go on, progressively and trying to write a good contninuità for training.
clear skies but cold wind, perfect weather for staying indoors, perhaps in front of a nice soup or a nice polenta (I still remember the mega magnet to Franco's house).
I just hope the wind over the weekend to abandon the capital and especially the Roman coast, ok, there is no longer the cookie to be covered during the Roma-Ostia, however, caught wind against the whole Columbus is not exactly the best.
definitely not be there, even holed out from the race. consequently will miss the lunch organized by the Yogi with Blogtrotter: (I will refer to the next.
very challenging workouts today at 12
45km bike with so much wind that made it a simple workout routine into something more committed itself, never mind.
to 18
4km race heating
4x2000 (7'15 "-7 '13" -7 '13 "-7 '10) rec 2 'FL
10' rec
4x200 (356" rec 200)
4km DEFA
hard work, despite a run to go again shortly after the stop, although I do long to be repeated a lot, despite the wind and the exercise bike: feeling good and satisfied
brrrr, cold wind that sighs that these days the capital.
despite this we must go on, progressively and trying to write a good contninuità for training.
clear skies but cold wind, perfect weather for staying indoors, perhaps in front of a nice soup or a nice polenta (I still remember the mega magnet to Franco's house).
I just hope the wind over the weekend to abandon the capital and especially the Roman coast, ok, there is no longer the cookie to be covered during the Roma-Ostia, however, caught wind against the whole Columbus is not exactly the best.
definitely not be there, even holed out from the race. consequently will miss the lunch organized by the Yogi with Blogtrotter: (I will refer to the next.
very challenging workouts today at 12
45km bike with so much wind that made it a simple workout routine into something more committed itself, never mind.
to 18
4km race heating
4x2000 (7'15 "-7 '13" -7 '13 "-7 '10) rec 2 'FL
10' rec
4x200 (356" rec 200)
4km DEFA
hard work, despite a run to go again shortly after the stop, although I do long to be repeated a lot, despite the wind and the exercise bike: feeling good and satisfied
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Store Products Wax For Vagaina Hair
a Dream • Concept store in Vicenza
Finally! That's what I've been waiting for: a concept store in Vicenza.
The opening is Thursday, February 24, 18:30 till morning, DJ Set by Saturnino .. .
Come, see, touch, dress ... Dream!
As a Church, 122 in Schiavon (VI)
Dress a dream!
Monday, February 21, 2011
Bulma Vegeta's Wedding
varied along the sea all along is
Friday 15 hours in the car. you return to Giulianova.
I could not wait to ride and run on that fantastic waterfront.
on my land and with the lights that made me grow.
so it was, I could not resist and just got home I changed and went down the shore road for 11km to worry.
perfect time only a little wind e. .. the next day made itself felt.
Saturday morning along a bike in 8 hours, beautiful day but a lot of wind that made me work hard enough. 3 long climbs for a total of 135km in just over 4 hours.
pomeriggiodi the classic Saturday at the pool for a total of 3000m
Sunday morning instead of race: 14km in progress, with the sole intent to return to stretch. But the head
era a Centobuchi, dove il mio atleta/amico Emiliano era a correre la mezza maratona. dovevo essere al suo fianco ma la caviglia me lo ha impedito.
che dire....
per lui 1h17'44"...un grandissimo miglioramento ottenuto con 6 settimane di lavoro.
contento lui ma contento io di averlo portato a questo grande traguardo.
un'altro atleta che seguo: ALessandro Capocchi si è difeso benissimo con 1h24'55" nell mezza maratona in toscana...nonostante fosse reduce da un'influenza e con un buon carico bici e nuoto sulle gambe, si è dimostrato tenace e caparbio... doti fondamentali per la strada verso l'Ironman.
per quanto mi riguarda, oggi ho ripreso a pieno
mattina: nuoto, 3400m a ritmo aerobico
evening run, 12km quiet
Friday 15 hours in the car. you return to Giulianova.
I could not wait to ride and run on that fantastic waterfront.
on my land and with the lights that made me grow.
so it was, I could not resist and just got home I changed and went down the shore road for 11km to worry.
perfect time only a little wind e. .. the next day made itself felt.
Saturday morning along a bike in 8 hours, beautiful day but a lot of wind that made me work hard enough. 3 long climbs for a total of 135km in just over 4 hours.
pomeriggiodi the classic Saturday at the pool for a total of 3000m
Sunday morning instead of race: 14km in progress, with the sole intent to return to stretch. But the head
era a Centobuchi, dove il mio atleta/amico Emiliano era a correre la mezza maratona. dovevo essere al suo fianco ma la caviglia me lo ha impedito.
che dire....
per lui 1h17'44"...un grandissimo miglioramento ottenuto con 6 settimane di lavoro.
contento lui ma contento io di averlo portato a questo grande traguardo.
un'altro atleta che seguo: ALessandro Capocchi si è difeso benissimo con 1h24'55" nell mezza maratona in toscana...nonostante fosse reduce da un'influenza e con un buon carico bici e nuoto sulle gambe, si è dimostrato tenace e caparbio... doti fondamentali per la strada verso l'Ironman.
per quanto mi riguarda, oggi ho ripreso a pieno
mattina: nuoto, 3400m a ritmo aerobico
evening run, 12km quiet
Friday, February 18, 2011
Cervical Mucus Day Before Period
the previous post I wondered what to do, choose how far in the (almost certain) I had to go to Crete in mid-May.
well, many people consgliato the 70.3 distance, as I wrote I think it is better suited for me and that is where I can express myself well enough.
but ... the first objective has the name of seasonal Klagenfurt IRONMAN 3 July 2011.
therefore it is better to simulate race pace closer to what I really need to keep.
practically can not think of running the marathon of IM in 4 '/ km in 70.3 as I can, better to slow down and run the 30km 4'20 / .. pace closer to that che vorrei/potrei tenere nella maratona dell'IM (magari riuscissi a correre a tale ritmo).
quindi breve riflessione, valutazione costi e viaggio...
se vado..prenderò parte alla gara su distanza lunga:
4km a nuoto - 120km in bici - 30km di corsa
ieri altro allenamento di corsa:
12km con progressione finale. la ripresa va davvero meglio di come pensavo (sgrat sgrat)
la mattina invece in bici 1h30' tranquilla a far girare le gambe
questa mattina in piscina lavoro aerobico di 3200m volume totale.
e poi si parte, destinazione Giulianova per un weekend in costa per pedalare, speriamo, sotto il sole
the previous post I wondered what to do, choose how far in the (almost certain) I had to go to Crete in mid-May.
well, many people consgliato the 70.3 distance, as I wrote I think it is better suited for me and that is where I can express myself well enough.
but ... the first objective has the name of seasonal Klagenfurt IRONMAN 3 July 2011.
therefore it is better to simulate race pace closer to what I really need to keep.
practically can not think of running the marathon of IM in 4 '/ km in 70.3 as I can, better to slow down and run the 30km 4'20 / .. pace closer to that che vorrei/potrei tenere nella maratona dell'IM (magari riuscissi a correre a tale ritmo).
quindi breve riflessione, valutazione costi e viaggio...
se vado..prenderò parte alla gara su distanza lunga:
4km a nuoto - 120km in bici - 30km di corsa
ieri altro allenamento di corsa:
12km con progressione finale. la ripresa va davvero meglio di come pensavo (sgrat sgrat)
la mattina invece in bici 1h30' tranquilla a far girare le gambe
questa mattina in piscina lavoro aerobico di 3200m volume totale.
e poi si parte, destinazione Giulianova per un weekend in costa per pedalare, speriamo, sotto il sole
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Travel Insurance Affiliate
triathlon or long?
da ieri il dilemma ed il dubbio.
a metà maggio correrò la distanza 70.3 o la distanza lunga in quel di Candia?
la prima viene disputata a ritmi più veloci, la passata stagione ho capito che questa è la distanza che meglio riesco a gestire e dove sono più competitivo (per quello che posso).
la distanza lunga l'ho provata 2 anni fa, senza un opportuno allenamento ed ho patito molto la frazione podisdica. cìè però da dire che è più allenante per la distanza Ironman...inoltre è anche valida per il titolo italiano: senza nulla pretendere però partecipare e competere è sempre uno stimolo maggiore.
tempo fino al 27 febbraio per vedrà.
questa mattina in vasca lavoro misto:
3x(100b1 + 100a2)
da ieri il dilemma ed il dubbio.
a metà maggio correrò la distanza 70.3 o la distanza lunga in quel di Candia?
la prima viene disputata a ritmi più veloci, la passata stagione ho capito che questa è la distanza che meglio riesco a gestire e dove sono più competitivo (per quello che posso).
la distanza lunga l'ho provata 2 anni fa, senza un opportuno allenamento ed ho patito molto la frazione podisdica. cìè però da dire che è più allenante per la distanza Ironman...inoltre è anche valida per il titolo italiano: senza nulla pretendere però partecipare e competere è sempre uno stimolo maggiore.
tempo fino al 27 febbraio per vedrà.
questa mattina in vasca lavoro misto:
3x(100b1 + 100a2)
Monday, February 14, 2011
Ward's Ap Biology Lab 8 Answers
breve post,
sarò retorico, scontato e per qualcuno magari è ipocrisia.
a me piace ancora ricordarlo così, quando da più giovane lo vedevo scattare su tutti e lasciarli sul posto, emozionandomi
sono 7 anni.....
ah, oggi ho corso 11km, caviglia ok
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Lower Left Side Painherpes
in memory and I pedal
soddisfatto della reazione alla corsa di venerdi sera, la caviglia non da segni di cedimento e quindi sono pronto per ripartire. con cautela però.
così ho rimandato la corsa a lunedi,approfittando di un sabato e domenica di sole to cycle time.
yesterday a 75km
today instead ....
I got up early as usual but I was not sure to get out. the sky was overcast and I was afraid to take rain.
so I hesitated until about 8:20 after which I went on ... and if I bath patient.
stains, the end is coming off a nice ride in the sun on the coast of Ostia with the average case.
moving from Columbus, arriving at the roundabout and see a great movement. there is a 14km road race in which I participate, but I had to give up.
I tried to see Yogi, but I could not stop and there was people and how there were no other races in Rome and Bracciano, the people runner is well divided.
see that atmosphere made me want to compete. think that next Sunday I'll have to skip the half-marathon Centobuchi. For years he took part and I regret giving up ... but should be incorporated gradually, not to fall back in pain.
ah ... for today are chronic 135km in 4 hours or so.
soddisfatto della reazione alla corsa di venerdi sera, la caviglia non da segni di cedimento e quindi sono pronto per ripartire. con cautela però.
così ho rimandato la corsa a lunedi,approfittando di un sabato e domenica di sole to cycle time.
yesterday a 75km
today instead ....
I got up early as usual but I was not sure to get out. the sky was overcast and I was afraid to take rain.
so I hesitated until about 8:20 after which I went on ... and if I bath patient.
stains, the end is coming off a nice ride in the sun on the coast of Ostia with the average case.
moving from Columbus, arriving at the roundabout and see a great movement. there is a 14km road race in which I participate, but I had to give up.
I tried to see Yogi, but I could not stop and there was people and how there were no other races in Rome and Bracciano, the people runner is well divided.
see that atmosphere made me want to compete. think that next Sunday I'll have to skip the half-marathon Centobuchi. For years he took part and I regret giving up ... but should be incorporated gradually, not to fall back in pain.
ah ... for today are chronic 135km in 4 hours or so.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Gun Master Cleaning Kit Reviews
Rome by night
many are the times that I saw.
so many times that I was fascinated, still contemplating the beauty of the capital when the sun makes room for the moon.
nothing you can do to stay open boca. the streets of downtown:
the Colosseum, Via dei Fori Imperiali, Piazza Venezia, Piazza del ppolo, Trevi Fountain ... in short, the spotlight has another all the lights atricifiali esembianza and a different charm.
last night I appreciated that. really.
an evening in a wonderful company.
many runners gathered to test the clothing of the nightlife Brooks.
runway to the street in the center, all fluorescent yellow, with the lights reflected on our bodies. Garmin
nothing, no stopwatches, no matter how and at what pace.
spenierata a race that made me appreciate the beauty around.
I was really good. organizers: Tobias and Dareje, two boys are fantastic and charismatic.
warmly recommend it to all the experiences of these days as if they were to happen in your town.
for once I do not think km and a time does nothing but make us savor the pleasure of the ride.
for the record, yesterday did not give the ankle problems and annoyances.
are ready to restart.
75km bike this morning with much of the afternoon swimming uphill
: 350om with work force
many are the times that I saw.
so many times that I was fascinated, still contemplating the beauty of the capital when the sun makes room for the moon.
nothing you can do to stay open boca. the streets of downtown:
the Colosseum, Via dei Fori Imperiali, Piazza Venezia, Piazza del ppolo, Trevi Fountain ... in short, the spotlight has another all the lights atricifiali esembianza and a different charm.
last night I appreciated that. really.
an evening in a wonderful company.
many runners gathered to test the clothing of the nightlife Brooks.
runway to the street in the center, all fluorescent yellow, with the lights reflected on our bodies. Garmin
nothing, no stopwatches, no matter how and at what pace.
spenierata a race that made me appreciate the beauty around.
I was really good. organizers: Tobias and Dareje, two boys are fantastic and charismatic.
warmly recommend it to all the experiences of these days as if they were to happen in your town.
for once I do not think km and a time does nothing but make us savor the pleasure of the ride.
for the record, yesterday did not give the ankle problems and annoyances.
are ready to restart.
75km bike this morning with much of the afternoon swimming uphill
: 350om with work force
Friday, February 11, 2011
Where Can I Rent 35mm Film Prints
Tribal and Fashion Marketing 2.0: the case Polyvore
There Linko the article I wrote for Ninja Marketing on 2.0 tribal marketing and fashion, I hope you might be interested. I have analyzed in particular the community Polyvore .
There Linko the article I wrote for Ninja Marketing on 2.0 tribal marketing and fashion, I hope you might be interested. I have analyzed in particular the community Polyvore .
Epsom Salt In Hair To Make It Wavy
said yes.
can be done calmly, without haste and without forcing too much.
this was the outcome of Wednesday afternoon in the gym on the treadmill.
won the fear of pain in her ankle and tried to run after 10 days from sleep.
everything seems ok and has raised hopes for miglioralemento.
now it's just go back on the road, slow and quiet for a few km. short distance until Sunday.
then resume Monday seriously with the normal training program.
new shoes and go.
shooting in the street will be this evening. Brooks Nightlife during the evening here in Rome at the store Footwork, will join aai runners for the race night.
I think is the best way to resume.
going in groups with different rates of speed will not be taken to accelerate the pace and force: it will be an evening with friends.
well well so I can test my joints
is on the site since Sunday
shall start adding articles on exercise and nutrition, but I do not think to add tables training.
training is a highly personal thing and you can not generalize:)
said yes.
can be done calmly, without haste and without forcing too much.
this was the outcome of Wednesday afternoon in the gym on the treadmill.
won the fear of pain in her ankle and tried to run after 10 days from sleep.
everything seems ok and has raised hopes for miglioralemento.
now it's just go back on the road, slow and quiet for a few km. short distance until Sunday.
then resume Monday seriously with the normal training program.
new shoes and go.
shooting in the street will be this evening. Brooks Nightlife during the evening here in Rome at the store Footwork, will join aai runners for the race night.
I think is the best way to resume.
going in groups with different rates of speed will not be taken to accelerate the pace and force: it will be an evening with friends.
well well so I can test my joints
is on the site since Sunday
shall start adding articles on exercise and nutrition, but I do not think to add tables training.
training is a highly personal thing and you can not generalize:)
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Wholesale Metal Core Scooter Wheels
beMilano - The new shopping experience in tourism and web 2.0
February 10 to h.16 Grand Starhotels Rosa in Milan will take the 'open talk organized by beMilano The new shopping experience between Tourism and Web 2.0 in which professionals and experts in retail, social media marketing and regional marketing will intervene on the promotion of Milan as brand. Participation is free, just fill out the form, here you can read the detailed program of the conference. Follow the blog beMiMag and become a fan on Facebook or Twitter for regular updates on events, exhibitions and performances dedicated to those who live in Milan at 360 degrees.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
What Dose The Inside Of Your Vergina Look Like
Celebrities and vintage eyewear
vintage originals and reproductions faithful to the style that goes from the 50s to 80s, the site you can find the model best suited to your look.
Did you go to the cinema, or have revised an old movie on TV and you're mad for the frame of spectacles of the protagonist? Your favorite singer shows off a new video every couple of great dark glasses? The site Vintage by Robert Roope is the place for you!
High quality vintage and modern glasses for the serious collector and casual wearer alike.
vintage originals and reproductions faithful to the style that goes from the 50s to 80s, the site you can find the model best suited to your look.
![]() |
alias Nigel Stanley Tucci in The Devil Wears Prada |
![]() |
Malcolm X |
The category of glasses is divided into: Sunglasses, reading glasses, sunglasses. Interesting blog with news on the glasses during recent film-television series.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Cervical Mucus Like Right Before Period
long weekend and substance.
two intense days and climatically spectacular.
sunshine and temperatures rising, or rather warm from 10 onwards. first is that all this mention of priavera.
a Saturday and spent Sunday sitting ... sitting
TT sitting on a black who took me around for almost 200km in 2 days.
up and down, fast sections and slow sections. trying to enjoy the scenery around, winter days like the ones that are popular these days go, it does not happen very often.
out of Rome. from the chaos, traffic, the speed and haste to do, get everything at once.
hours spent is just no good company. you sweat, but also always enjoying every single pedal.
is like running in the park with trees, the greenery of nature, or why not also in central Rome early Sunday morning, when the city is still quiet, when you can see its full beauty that offers everything around you, before you wake up and everything vanishes, clouding the beauty that it offers.
so Saturday morning at 9 o'clock in the street, not too early for my taste. Marcellina direction, then Palombara sabina, repeated some of SFR (structured training still need add). then falls flat, in a time trial and push the heart that feeling. looking too good. the bike is fantastic. 2h and 70km.
Sunday morning in the company. It starts early, at 8. the machines are covered by a thin veneer of ice, the night was cold. but nothing. the sky is clear and soon you'll be fine.
with Edo and Marco out of Rome, Capena direction, then Fiano Romano, out on the Salaria. Montelibretti climb and go down. again and again up to Moricone headlong on the plain and Salaria. to push them and turned to the city ... now sweating in temperatures upwards of about 20 °. a 122km off in less than 4h.
a great weekend certainly did not regret the ride. but a clear mind and low heart ... I'm looking forward to the limestone pavement.
the best is yet to come.
cycled and eaten.
now it's restoring. What better than a pizza or pizza?
our favorite Mamara the creeks' in San Lorenzo, with the offer pizza and beer non-stop to 10euro.
booked and sold.
not to mention there was a match Inter-Roma ... a brothel!!
but there is also that. regardless of the match: two pizzas and a half I am the wolf
long weekend and substance.
two intense days and climatically spectacular.
sunshine and temperatures rising, or rather warm from 10 onwards. first is that all this mention of priavera.
a Saturday and spent Sunday sitting ... sitting
TT sitting on a black who took me around for almost 200km in 2 days.
up and down, fast sections and slow sections. trying to enjoy the scenery around, winter days like the ones that are popular these days go, it does not happen very often.
out of Rome. from the chaos, traffic, the speed and haste to do, get everything at once.
hours spent is just no good company. you sweat, but also always enjoying every single pedal.
is like running in the park with trees, the greenery of nature, or why not also in central Rome early Sunday morning, when the city is still quiet, when you can see its full beauty that offers everything around you, before you wake up and everything vanishes, clouding the beauty that it offers.
so Saturday morning at 9 o'clock in the street, not too early for my taste. Marcellina direction, then Palombara sabina, repeated some of SFR (structured training still need add). then falls flat, in a time trial and push the heart that feeling. looking too good. the bike is fantastic. 2h and 70km.
Sunday morning in the company. It starts early, at 8. the machines are covered by a thin veneer of ice, the night was cold. but nothing. the sky is clear and soon you'll be fine.
with Edo and Marco out of Rome, Capena direction, then Fiano Romano, out on the Salaria. Montelibretti climb and go down. again and again up to Moricone headlong on the plain and Salaria. to push them and turned to the city ... now sweating in temperatures upwards of about 20 °. a 122km off in less than 4h.
a great weekend certainly did not regret the ride. but a clear mind and low heart ... I'm looking forward to the limestone pavement.
the best is yet to come.
cycled and eaten.
now it's restoring. What better than a pizza or pizza?
our favorite Mamara the creeks' in San Lorenzo, with the offer pizza and beer non-stop to 10euro.
booked and sold.
not to mention there was a match Inter-Roma ... a brothel!!
but there is also that. regardless of the match: two pizzas and a half I am the wolf
Friday, February 4, 2011
1998 Tundra 2 Ski Doo For Sale In Ontario
New Goodie Bag by Coccinelle
New Goodie Bag of Coccinelle the colors Spring! Asymmetrical seams and folds like waves create new volumes for this city-style shopping bag couture.
The leather version is available in red, brown, raspberry, blue, white, beige and classic black, suede that has shades of blue and alabaster, orange and brown.
The Goodie Bag of Coccinelle Fondazione Francesca Rava supports N.P.H. Italia Onlus , per la seconda stagione, il progetto Maternità Sicura , il cui obiettivo è assistere le donne in età fertile e ridurre il tasso haitiano di mortalità materna e neonatale, tra i più alti al mondo, e quello di trasmissione dalla mamma al feto del virus HIV e di altre patologie.
La new Goodie della collezione S/S 2011 è disponibile nelle boutique e nei negozi selezionati Coccinelle .
Thursday, February 3, 2011
What Plug Should I Use In A Rm85
Mothership by Gareth Pugh
Ormai lo sapete: adoro Gareth Pugh ! E adoro anche la His latest creation, the bag Mothership , we could define a morphing bag. A bag that takes on different forms and capacities thanks to the modular system based on the central square and triangular two clutch that attach through the hinges.
Simply brilliant!
Price: $ 2000.
Preschool Bible Craftmoses Red Sea
repeated threshold and average
nothing technical article, but simply the exercise of yesterday and today.
no race, only swimming and cycling.
the ankle still does not want to be a friend and continues to fail, so better go along and rimandare eventuali forzature.
la stagione è agli inizi quindi non mi proccupo molto per le gare.
quest'anno niente maratona di roma come già deciso.
forse salterà la mezza del 20 febbraio, non so, ancora da decidere.
per il grande obiettivo comunque c'è tempo per macinare km e km, lunghi e lunghissimi.
in piscina si va avanti conbuoni miglioramenti
ieri un lavoro di qualità con ripetute sui 1000m
volume totale di 3400m con 1500 fatti in soglia.
soddisfatto e stanco come è giusto che sia.
questa mattina in bici, un bel lavoro al ritmo medio
20' a 148bpm di media
per un totale di 43km
nothing technical article, but simply the exercise of yesterday and today.
no race, only swimming and cycling.
the ankle still does not want to be a friend and continues to fail, so better go along and rimandare eventuali forzature.
la stagione è agli inizi quindi non mi proccupo molto per le gare.
quest'anno niente maratona di roma come già deciso.
forse salterà la mezza del 20 febbraio, non so, ancora da decidere.
per il grande obiettivo comunque c'è tempo per macinare km e km, lunghi e lunghissimi.
in piscina si va avanti conbuoni miglioramenti
ieri un lavoro di qualità con ripetute sui 1000m
volume totale di 3400m con 1500 fatti in soglia.
soddisfatto e stanco come è giusto che sia.
questa mattina in bici, un bel lavoro al ritmo medio
20' a 148bpm di media
per un totale di 43km
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Dots On Pregnancy Test
gloves with jewels
Per chi non vuole rinunciare a essere chic anche quando si ripara dal freddo, ci sono i guanti con tanto di gioielli. Marie-Hélène de Taillac ha creato i guanti in cashmere ( elbow-length like Rita Hayworth in Gilda ) con anello finto incorporato. Il motivo lo spiega lei stessa:
With my hands all covered up in the winter, I miss seeing my bijoux.
The price? € 150 if you think that is much less of a ring with precious stones!
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Marie-Hélène de Taillac |
Bulimia Research 2010
or better ... I'm trying.
the time for the implementation is not much. right in the evening and some remnant morning here in the lab when I have some downtime.
the real problem lies in creativity and graphics.
but on no time to work and continually update.
for now I put the link from the blog to the site.
hope appears and opens the page.
gradually vary images, content.
say that I'm breaking down the basics, the finite fondamente you start to build the house.
a break from walking, because the ankle, made me reflect on the possible underlying cause the pain in his left ankle.
well then you ....
as they say, good preaching and scratching badly.
shoes: I will dedicate a nice post about this, because I'm ruining the joints.
should be changed often, about every 800-900km in the case of protective A3 .... but not much less reactive in the case of shoes, quick, racing: A2, which are around 250g or so. quests are more prone to usaura of the upper arch of stability, compromising besides that a good reactivity of the shoe itself, and also the proper arch support in the race.
I instead I mizuno wave aero pull down to the bone ... I believe that we have endured more than 1000km and still I persist in putting love her.
pulls today so tomorrow brings the damage is done.
so now rest from the race.
new shoes (see post Brooks Launch) and the pain is completely gone when you return to run.
Friday that is not run, my ankle is better but still a little swollen yesterday ... I tried to run on a treadmill without forcing, a slight discomfort, but nothing that ...
still rest and then vdrà.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Kates Playground Freestream
Sweets Jewelry by Abataba
If ne vedono tanti in giro ultimamente, ma i gioielli 'golosi' del marchio spagnolo Abataba sono veramente divertenti! Ce n'è per tutti i gusti, basta scegliere: dolce o salato?
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blackboard with rings and brooches |
For those less gourmand there are other jewels, hanging with unusual as cages for birds, rides, glasses ... All can be purchased online.
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